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07 Aug

1.2m offset satellite dish in Canada

Posted by Roger Sanchez

For a while, after the long gone Patriot 1.1m dish, and the low cost Fortec Star 1.2m, we had to look for and find other dishes. We found the Geosat 1.2m, a Generic (our brand) dish, and the Digiwave 1.2 (very much the same as the old Fortec star)

Things went well, but then not long after, the demand for the 1.2m dish came to a hault, we had a very hard time moving the last of the Geosat 1.2m dishes, and we cut ties for our own dish. (we still have a few in stock)

So now nearly 2 years later, the demand, (although not huge) of the 1.2m dish in Canada seems to be resurfacing.

Right now we have in stock, the GeosatPro 1.2m, the Digiwave 1.2m along with our Generic dish. So Canada, we have you covered.

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